In view of the spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19) and subsequent Lock-Down in the country, all the Government Ministries, Departments, Attached / Subordinate Offices and other Organizations are requested to Register their Organization through the e-Publish option available on eGazette Portal for the purpose of e-Publishing of Gazette Notifications, so as to avoid the delivery of Authenticated Documents to the concerned Printing Press either through Messenger or through official email of JS & above as Approving Authority of the Notification along with Mobile No. (presently adopted in view of the Lock-Down for verification by concerned Press temporarily) to fast track the Notification uploading. Already registered Organizations are also requested to use the option of Submitting Notification through e-Gazette Portal using Digital Signature. Organizations / Departments / Offices may avail the help regarding pre-requisites and guide for the Registration through Help Option available in e-Publish / Organization Registration Menu.